Sunday, May 19, 2013

Precure Splash Star -- S03E28 and S03E29 The Train that Got Away

Aware no Precure

Episodes 28 and 29 of Splash Star were both fun, but they didn’t quite live up to the standard of previous Splash Stars, but were fun nonetheless.  Episode 28 had a unique setup to build up tension, while episode 29 had an unusual mascot character focus.

To my disappointment, this wasn't a metaphor.
The structure of episode 28 is centered around Saki and Mai having one last summer adventure, and taking a train ride to the end of the line (they were much more optimistic than I was – usually the end of the line here is a part of town you can’t wait to get out of.)  The train ends up being driven by Shitataare whom, thanks to some rather incompetent mascots, separates the girls, and traps Mai in a tunnel.  Saki saves her in the nick of time through the power of friendship.

To be honest, I wish episode 28 had been set up more conventionally, with less emphasis on the dire plot.  The beginning and ending had some wonderful Saki/Mai moments, and gave us a great chance to see them get some alone time.  I don’t think high speed city bus chase compensated for us getting less of that.

Episode 29 is about the girls doing last minute summer homework while the mascot characters squabble (summer homework episodes being another Precure tradition.)  This episode is most notable for ending on a cliffhanger, with Flappi and Choppi abducted by Goyan at the end.  The best parts of this episodes were easily Flappi’s facial expressions – fairy rage!

I enjoy seeing Flappi’s crush on Choppi, and watching him have his heartbroken again and again – the moment where he was shut down after acting out a scene from a movie was particularly well done.  This is a big improvement over Mipple and Mepple’s lovey-dovey scenes in the first season, but I think they overdid it in this episode.  There’s a limit to how many mascot mating rituals I can take at once, and this crossed a line.

The aspect of several of these episodes that I’m most unhappy with are Moop and Foop (seriously, we gave up Michiru and Kaoru for these things?  Refund please!)  To me, one of the biggest weaknesses of the franchise has been its handling of the more juvenile mascots – Chiffon in Fresh, Candy in Smile, and Ai in Doki Doki have all been weak links in their shows, and their appearances mostly make me wish they’d leave so that we can see someone more interesting.  I realize that many viewers appreciate these characters, but I wish they were handled better.  Hummy in Suite and Potpourri in Heartcatch were both improvements.

I think these kinds of mascots work best when they’re primarily used to bring out the personality of the other humans (or more mature mascots, like Tarte.)  For instance, Potpourri was a wonderful way to bring out Cure Sunshine’s nurturing side, and emphasize those aspects of her personality.  On the other hand, Candy’s episodes in Smile were mostly about Candy, who just wasn’t a compelling character

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